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Consulting, Job Hunting and Directorships Post Pandemic

Writer: Renata BernardeRenata Bernarde

TV Interview 3 - The Informer Interviewed Me About the Chalenges We Face Today

TheInformer is Australia’s newest online news service.

Featuring weekly on LinkedIn, it is hosted by Australian television legend George Donikian and boasts some of Australia’s best journalists and media professionals.

I was interviewed by George on the day TheInformer launched, and he asked me to speak candidly about the challenges we face when operating in a pandemic, and the restructures we should enable to bring more equity and fairness into this world, now that we have the opportunity!

I talk about the philosophy that drives my company Pantala, and my new project Job Hunting Made Simple, by Pantala Academy. Also great to candidly address the challenges faced by SMEs affected by the pandemic, and how we have the opportunity now to re-design and restructure civil society to embrace fairness and opportunities.

George Hazim and George Donikian have worked for months to put this new channel together. As someone who recently started an online platform, I know how hard it is and how passionate you have to be to enable something like this to happen. So II was honoured for the opportunity to celebrate with them the launch of TheInformer. And I'm looking forward to catching up again on more shared pet peeves!

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