Episode 172 - I'm a Career Coach and These Are the 7 Things That Make Me Cringe

Join me as I discuss the common mistakes that can harm your professional image. This podcast episode will help you avoid these cringe-worthy blunders, from unprofessional email addresses to strange LinkedIn connection requests. Get expert insights on how to elevate your online presence and make a lasting impression in the job market. Learn what not to do on LinkedIn, Zoom, and more. Listen to the full episode now for a wealth of career-boosting advice, and avoid falling for terrible career advice from the wrong sources.
If you're a long-time listener of The Job Hunting Podcast, and you have been following my advice from previous episodes, then this may be a satisfying episode to listen to; you will find that you are not doing any of the cringe-worthy examples I am sharing in this episode. If you are a long-time listener but have been procrastinating to start taking action, I hope this episode inspires you to start today. And finally, if you are new to this podcast, this episode will be an important eye-opener as you initiate your journey in taking control of your career outcome.
Most of the things I discuss I part of my daily routine. I encounter these issues frequently and always bring them up as I do consultations, design courses, and coach clients. The last one, number seven, is possibly the most serious and can negatively affect your understanding of how to change jobs and successfully advance your career. So, I urge you to please listen to the entire episode, even if you have to skip ahead when I am discussing issues that do not apply to you.
Resources mentioned in this episode
Other resources from RenataBernarde.com :