Episode 272 - Uncover the Power of Understanding Your Leadership Style and How It Can Transform Your Career Trajectory

This is a rebroadcast of Episode 180.
Knowing your leadership is a critical component of any successful job search, rather you are a junior professional or a senior executive. Great leaders and team workers inspire and motivate their teams and colleagues to achieve their goals and help companies reach new heights.
But not all leaders are created equal, and different styles of leadership can be more effective in different situations. In this episode of The Job Hunting Podcast, we'll take a closer look at four leadership styles and explore some examples of who embodies them, and where they can be useful.
About Our Guest, Robert Jordan
My guest for this episode is Robert Jordan, the CEO of InterimExecs, an organization that matches top executives with companies around the world to work on short-term projects that are impactful and need excellent leadership support. Based on his work at InterimExecs and his research with thousands of leaders and companies, he and his co-author, Olivia Wagner, wrote Right Leader Right Time: Discover Your Leadership Style for a Winning Career and Company. In this book, they describe four leadership styles, Fixer, Artist, Builder, and Strategist.
So, if you have struggled in the past to explain or identify your leadership style, let's say, at a job interview, then this episode is for you. This episode is also a great listen if you are in the process of getting used to the new world of work, and the new ways employers want to borrow, not buy your expertise. Project-type work, short-term contracts, and part-time retainers are becoming more and more common at every level, including senior execs and c-level.
Resources mentioned in this episode
Episode 235 - How to transition into leadership roles, with Bill Lennan
Episode 43 - Leadership in Turbulent Times, with Koko Black Chocolate CEO Nicolas Georges
Other resources from RenataBernarde.com :